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1. I accept that the information provided by the Free Health Assessment is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of my doctor or health care professional under any circumstances.

Please accept to continue.

2. Do you have any of the following digestive issues more than once a week?

Select all that that apply to your unique circumstances:

3. How long have you had these symptoms for?

4. Do you have trouble losing weight?

5. Have you taken a course of antibiotics in the last 5 years

6. Do you have a diagnosis with any of the following autoimmune, thyroid or nervous system diseases?

7. Do you regularly consume the following gut nourishing foods and nutrients?

8. How do you rate your energy levels on a daily basis?

9. Do you crave sugary foods

10. Do you have skin issues such as eczema, rosacea, rashes, acne or a flakey scalp?

11. Do you have mystery symptoms which have no apparent cause?

12. Do you frequently feel under the weather or have general malaise, brain fog and fatigue?

13. Do you have a white coating on your tongue?

14. Please rate your stress levels.

15. Do you get sick often?

E.g. Colds, The Flu, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Glandular Fever, Gastro etc

16. Do you suffer from diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (IBD) or Ulcerative Colitis?

17. Have you ever struggled with fungal issues such as candida, yeast, tinea or ringworm?

18. Do you have food sensitivities or allergies?

For example, Gluten, Lactose, Sugar, Nuts, Legumes, FODMAPS, eggs, shellfish etc.

19. What is your age?

19a. IF the age bracket is 18-35:, Have you been diagnosed or do you have any of the following?

20. Do you have your menstrual cycle?

21. Do you have or have you been diagnosed with any of the following?

22. Have you ever taken any form of birth control?

23. Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

24. Have you ever taken any of the following?

25. Do you have or have you been diagnosed with any of the following?

26. Do you consume any of these foods?

27. Do you drink tap, or bottled water?

28. How much water do you drink per day on average?

29. Do you use any of the following?

30. Rate your cravings for sugar out of 10:

31. Do you feel lethargic after eating a carbohydrate heavy meal?

32. Do you think you have or have you been medically diagnosed with any of the following:

33. How many times a week do you eat meat?

34. How many times per week do you eat packaged food?

35. Do you consume any of the following:

35. Do you ever feel like your thoughts are racing?

36. Do you ever have trouble focusing on the task at hand?

37. Have you been diagnosed, or suspect you are suffering from a mental illness such as Anxiety or Depression?

38. Do you sometimes feel like you’re going to snap at any given moment during the day?

39. How would you rate your current sleep out of 10? (10 = brilliant)

40. How many hours of undisturbed sleep are you getting per night?

41. Are you able to sleep all the way through the night without interruptions?

41a. If No, What makes you wake up during the night?

42. Do you currently take any sleep medications?

For example, Valium, Diazepam, Lyrica or Ambien

43. Do you take any natural solutions for sleep?

For example, natural supplements, essentials or teas

44. How would you describe your quality of sleep?

45. On a scale from 1 to 10, how refreshed do you wake up in the morning?

10 = brilliant

46. Are you a Shift Worker?

What's your first name and best email address?

So we can send your score and personalised recommendations.

, Your Gut and Hormone Health Happiness Score is:

A Complete Hormonal Rebalance is Recommended

, Your score indicates that you need to start at step #3 of the Gut & Hormone Happiness Protocol: Hormone Synergy

A Complete Hormonal Rebalance is Recommended

, Your score indicates that you need to start at step #3 of the Gut & Hormone Happiness Protocol: Hormone Synergy

A Complete Hormonal Rebalance is Recommended

, Your score indicates that you need to start at step #3 of the Gut & Hormone Happiness Protocol: Hormone Synergy

Retake the Quiz
Your Score Breakdown:

Here is the breakdown of your score based on the pillars of gut, digestive and microbiome health.

Gut Health
Hormone Health
What your score means:

Your score indicates that your hormones are severely imbalanced, affecting both your physical and mental health and interfering with your day-to-day life. Some of the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing right now include:

X Mood swings and constant anxiety

X Hormonal headaches and brain fog

X Stubborn weight - mostly around the waist

X Constant food and sugar cravings

X Painful bloating and digestive upset

X Lack of energy even for things you used to love

X Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep

X Difficulty controlling your emotions and reactions

X Rapid aging including achy joints and dull skin

X Changes in personality and not feeling like yourself

's Urgent Recommendations For The Fastest Results

Your Score Breakdown:

Here is the breakdown of your score based on the pillars of gut, digestive and microbiome health.

Gut Health
Hormone Health
What your score means:

Your score indicates that your hormones are severely imbalanced, affecting both your physical and mental health and interfering with your day-to-day life. Some of the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing right now include:

X Mood swings and constant anxiety

X Hormonal headaches and brain fog

X Stubborn weight - mostly around the waist

X Constant food and sugar cravings

X Painful bloating and digestive upset

X Lack of energy even for things you used to love

X Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep

X Difficulty controlling your emotions and reactions

X Rapid aging including achy joints and dull skin

X Changes in personality and not feeling like yourself

's Urgent Recommendations For The Fastest Results

Your Score Breakdown:

Here is the breakdown of your score based on the pillars of gut, digestive and microbiome health.

Gut Health
Hormone Health
What your score means:

Your score indicates that your hormones are severely imbalanced, affecting both your physical and mental health and interfering with your day-to-day life. Some of the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing right now include:

X Mood swings and constant anxiety

X Hormonal headaches and brain fog

X Stubborn weight - mostly around the waist

X Constant food and sugar cravings

X Painful bloating and digestive upset

X Lack of energy even for things you used to love

X Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep

X Difficulty controlling your emotions and reactions

X Rapid aging including achy joints and dull skin

X Changes in personality and not feeling like yourself

's Urgent Recommendations For The Fastest Results