Take Back Control Of Your Body, Mind and Wellbeing With Our Fast Acting Natural Formulas That Adapt To YOUR Body’s Unique Needs

Imagine if the best years of your life were right in front of you, not behind you… Feeling comfortable in your own body, living life in a deep state of calm and fulfilment, ageing with confidence and spending quality time with your loved ones…

YES, it’s all possible!

And you barely need to lift a finger to make it happen...

“I even recommend these to my Doctor”

From the very first week I noticed changes in my gut. The best part was the sense of relief I felt from not having that sudden stomach churn. I feel like my insides are working properly again. I mix my digestive enzymes in water and take it at breakfast time. If my tummy is feeling a little iffy I may have another dose before I go out to a restaurant.

"I feel more confident due to the weight loss and younger looking skin"

I’m feeling so much better now without the dreaded bloating and sluggish bowel. Mood wise I’m much brighter and feel more confident due to the weight loss and younger looking skin…the clarity of my skin has improved since taking it. I’ve even had a lot of compliments lately and tell them it is due to Happy Mammoth products.

“The results for me were almost instant!”

I can now enjoy life more, enjoy my twins pain free and just overall in myself feel free from pain. These products are amazing and have mostly given me some of my old self back. The pain associated with Interstitial Cystitis has dulled and now, most days, I am pain free. I can’t speak highly enough of this company and their products.

It May Be Difficult To Imagine Now If You're Going Through Hormonal Changes, Stress, Digestive Issues, Mood Swings, Erratic Sleeping Patterns, Weight Cycling Or Accelerated Ageing...

As you age, these health problems inevitably pile up — slowly robbing you of your health, your confidence, and your joy of life.

So you go see doctors, therapists, health practitioners, look for alternative solutions online…

But all they offer is one-size-fits-all solutions that give you little to no results at all.

And that’s because your needs and problems are UNIQUE!

There are no two people with the exact same health challenges.

That’s why you need a solution that can easily adapt to your needs… and rebalance your entire system from the inside out.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many holistic options out there that take into consideration all the complex health challenges you’re going through.

And that is simply unacceptable.

Someone HAD To Do Something About It...

So Why Not Us?

Hi, I’m Matthew Murphy

And I created Happy Mammoth in 2017...

In the photo on the left, I’m proudly holding the very first Happy Mammoth product—Organic Bone Broth.

My brother was the one who captured the excitement on camera. I felt like I’d just won an Oscar!

When we started the company, we had one goal in mind: to help people heal their body’s “control centre”, the Gut.

Thanks to our nutrition studies and intensive research, as well as our own experience with digestive issues…

We knew just how critical gut health was for your daily performance, your energy levels, your wellbeing, mental health, mindfulness and the way it makes your look and feel about yourself...

Fun Fact:

Gut Health And Talking Puppies? 🐶

Did you know that your gut is holding the equivalent brain power of a cute little puppy?

In fact, your gut acts as a “second brain”, hosting over 200 million neurons and hundreds of billions of bacteria that influence your personality.

Both of your brains are in constant conversation with each other 📞

The brain and stomach use the same neurotransmitters which is the language that nerve cells speak. And we subconsciously carry a lot of thoughts and feelings in our guts. Literally.

That’s why complications such as IBS, autoimmune disease and even mental or mood disorders are often explained as a malfunction between the brain and the digestive tube.

From Gut Health To Hormonal Balance, Mood Regulation, Perfect Sleep, Body Rejuvenation And Beyond!

After personally talking to 645 Happy Mammoth customers about their health challenges and going through 23,000+ scientific studies together with my team of health researchers…

I was stunned to realise that modern medicine, as much as it’s accomplished over the past few decades…

STILL has no answers for some of the most debilitating complex health issues that millions of people are suffering from today!

So we’ve decided to expand the range of our natural formulas to help as many people as possible manage their daily health struggles.

This is how Happy Mammoth became the first Natural Health and Nutraceutical company owned by Australians dedicated to solving the most complex health problems that are still considered ‘unsolvable’ by many medical practitioners today...


We're dedicated to solving the most complex health problems that are still considered ‘unsolvable’ by many medical practitioners today

Debilitating Digestive Issues, From Painful Bloating To IBS And Leaky Gut

Perimenopause, Menopause And Other Crippling Hormonal Imbalances

Mood Disorders Such As Irritability, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, And More

Metabolic Imbalances With Complex Causes That Trigger Weight Cycling

Immune System Imbalances And Nutrient Deficiencies That Alter Your Health

Poor Quality Sleep, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Lack Of Focus And ‘Brain Fog’

ZERO Compromise When It Comes To Quality, Safety, and Transparency

Our family’s values and principles, together with our education in nutritional sciences…

Helped me develop a health company that makes ZERO compromise when it comes to quality, safety, and transparency.

These standards apply to our products, our educational content, and to the way our team members work together.

Good for you

We're cautious of our ingredient selection and use only the best.

Made to perform

Breakthrough formulas that are designed and tested thoroughly.

100% transparency

We provide information around what's in our products and why.

Meet a pivotal part of Happy Mammoth:

Our amazing customer support team

🌿 Scientifically-proven natural ingredients

We only use 100% natural ingredients that have been validated by up-to-date scientific research—there isn’t a single artificial filler or flavour in our products.  

⚖️ The most effective dose in every formula

We use clinically-proven doses in every single formula, so you can rest assured you get results that have already been confirmed by scientists.

🌏 The most POTENT natural ingredients from all over the world

We personally travel around the globe to discover world-leading certified suppliers of premium ingredients, whether they’re in Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa or the Americas.

🥇 Thoroughly-tested formulas in every batch

We have a third-party testing facility check every batch that gets shipped to our customers, so you’re always guaranteed the safest and purest formula.

spain flag Top-quality products manufactured in Europe

We get our raw ingredients from sustainable sources and produce all our supplements in certified facilities right here in Europe.

🔎 100% transparency every step of the way

We disclose every ingredient in our products, complete with the dosage we use and the scientific studies that prove its health benefits.

Sydney, Australia in search of high potency Kakadu Plum powders

Lisbon, Portugal in search of several high potency fruit extracts unique to the northern region of Porto

Tbilisi, Georgia თბილისი

(the birthplace of Red Wine) in search of a rare potent Resveratrol Extract

Los Angeles, CA in search of a unique type of Chastetree Berry Extract for Hormone Harmony

The story of the $451 fine and how we took “family business” to a whole new level…

It was December 21st and I was at my parents’ house in Melbourne, excited to spend the holidays with my family…

… When I got a call from one of our manufacturers in Queensland.

They wanted to let me know that, due to a technical issue, our brand-new blend of Prebiotic Collagen wasn’t going to be shipped to our customers in due time.

Now, as I said — it was just before Christmas and I was at least a 15 hour drive away from the facility…

Mum, James, our sister and I — ready to send hundreds of packages to our lovely customers 

So what did I do?

Why yes, I immediately booked a plane ticket to Brisbane…

… rented a truck and drove all the way down to the facility...

Side note: it was the first time I had driven a truck...

… hauled thousands of Prebiotic Collagen Protein jars into the back of my truck…

... and literally drove off into the sunset all the way from Brisbane to Melbourne...

When I got back home, after a 30+ hour drive, the truck was covered in a thick layer of dust and freakishly large insects.

In fact, it was so beat up I had to pay a $451 fee to the renting company for “professional deep cleaning.”

And that was just the beginning of the adventure…

On Christmas Day, my family set up “Santa’s healthy workshop” in the kitchen so we can prepare our customers’ orders for shipping.

Probably not the most traditional way to spend holidays with your loved ones…

But if you asked them, they’d chew your ear off about “that time we had a blast sticking labels on hundreds of Prebiotic Collagen jars”...

All so our customers can get their orders before New Year’s Eve. New year, new you!

“What a life saver your products have been!”

Here’s a little secret about Happy Mammoth I’d like to tell you…

Each week, we share wonderful messages from our customers with the whole team.

This way, we’re always reminded why we’re doing what we’re doing—

Creating premium natural supplements that adapt to YOUR body’s unique needs so you can

finally get back control over your body, emotions and wellbeing!

We’ve shared thousands of stories like this over the past few years:

For the past 15 years I have had the worst experiences sleeping to the point of actually being afraid of the evening as I knew I was going to not fall asleep and then stay asleep. The minute I read Matthew's emails regarding sleep and all his stories, I was in tears saying 'THAT IS ME!'

[...] Well I can honestly say I am no longer afraid to go to bed. I don't even make it through my evening meditation.


Thank you Matthew! If I could hug you I would.

Maree XOXO”

Hi Matthew,

I’ve been using the Prebiotic Collagen Protein twice a day for about 5 days now and yesterday the effects kicked in. Nothing short of miraculous!!

Matthew, thank you for changing my life!


With gratitude,


“This past week my husband and daughter both commented, on separate occasions, how happy I seem and they are really liking the new me! My daughter asked me if I was using a new moisturizer on my face as my wrinkles were gone. Most recently my sister in law said I looked like I was glowing....GLOWING!

I have only been taking this for two weeks. I am so excited to see the healing within my body. I feel absolutely amazing! I bought one for my daughter who suffers from PCOS and we both are experiencing some amazing results. THANK YOU! I can't say that enough! This product has really changed my life!

Cannot thank you enough!”

You Could Enjoy The Same Results Or Even Better…

All you need to do is choose a formula that best suits your needs right now and give it a try. You can start your journey to amazing health with our most beloved formulas — used by people like you to regain control over their bodies, their emotions and their wellbeing: