Gut Health

Restore Gut Health With These Best Practices

Gut health seems to be trendy today. The internet has thousands of articles, videos, reviews, and testimonials on what to do to restore your digestive health. But how can you sift through the noise when there are so many divergent pieces of advice out there? Should you take pre or probiotics? Should you try the Mediterranean diet or no diet at all? Can bone broth really be the solution to your gut issues? And while it all comes down to your specific needs and health conditions, there are many strategies backed up by research that can help you feel better.

Changing your eating habits, eliminating toxins, exercising more, and taking natural supplements can help you reduce inflammation, do away with bloating, boost your immune system and seal your inner linings, among other benefits. So, let’s take a look at the best practices to get back on track and regain your gut health!

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Signs and Symptoms of Digestive Problems

1. Leaky Gut

2. Malnourishment and Weight Loss

3. Allergies & Autoimmune Diseases

4. Skin Problems

Restore Your Gut Health in These Simple Steps

Cleanse Your Gut

Manage Your Stress Levels

Recover Your Gut Health Today

Signs and Symptoms of Digestive Problems

While many digestive disorders are clearly related to something going wrong in your gut (such as constipation, bloating, and chronic heartburn), symptoms can vary greatly, especially if you are suffering from a condition related to your gut microbiome.

Your microbiome is a system of bacteria, yeast and protozoa (among other microorganisms) that live in your gut and help with digestion while boosting your immune system (1). In a healthy gut, these microorganisms live in perfect balance, but the problem arises when this balance is disrupted, producing chronic inflammation, pain, bloating, and many other problems, such as:

1. Leaky Gut

Also called increased intestinal permeability, a leaky gut refers to fissures and loose junctions in your gut that lead to harmful particles and microbes to leak into your bloodstream (2). Luckily, there are many ways to treat leaky gut, such as stress management, natural health supplements and holistic treatments. 

2. Malnourishment and Weight Loss

When you have an unhealthy gut, it may be unable to properly digest the food you ingest, leading to vitamin deficiencies, unintentional weight loss, and general malnourishment (3).

3. Allergies & Autoimmune Diseases

Many studies have shown that leaky gut or problems with your microbiome can also lead to autoimmune diseases like Graves’, celiac, or Chron’s (4)(5). They can also produce problems with mental clarity and mood disorders (6).

4. Skin Problems

Eczema, acne, rosacea are all connected to gut issues via the gut-brain-skin axis (7). As a result, finding an effective solution to your digestive problems can help solve breakouts and other skin issues, too. 

Restore Your Gut Health in These Simple Steps

Now that you understand the impact an unhealthy gut can have on your overall health, you can start exploring different solutions to solve those problems. For instance, there are many holistic approaches you can try out that include modifying your diet, keeping your sleep patterns under control, managing stress and taking natural supplements. Of course, the first step to take is always to consult with your health provider to understand the root cause of your symptoms and look for treatment. And while you’re at it, have a look at some simple steps you can take to recover your gut health.

Cleanse Your Gut

A gut cleanse may evoke images of hunger and drinking lemon juice all day long, but this is not what we refer to! Instead, you should avoid certain foods that can promote inflammation while increasing your intake of others that support gut health (8). Some examples of foods to avoid are: 

  • Sugary foods like candy or cookies
  • Alcohol
  • Meat and dairy
  • Refined flours
  • Vegetables with agrochemicals
  • Processed foods
And here are some suggestions of foods that will help replenish and rebalance your microbiome: 
  • Leafy green vegetables like lettuce or arugula
  • Fermented fruits like coconut kefir and kombucha
  • Bone broth to combat intestinal permeability
  • Organic meat
  • Wild fish

Just watch out for fermented foods. If they cause you digestive upset, maybe you should start with very small amounts until your system gets used to them, particularly if you have been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) (9). Taking these foods will certainly benefit your gut, but you can give your digestive health an even greater boost with certain health supplements, like: 

  • L-glutamine (an amino acid) to repair your instine’s inner lining (10). It’s easy to take and brings about countless benefits for your health and wellbeing!
  • Prebiotics to feed the healthy bacteria that live in your gut (11) together with probiotics, particularly products that contain lactobacillus and bifidobacteria (12)
  • Omega–3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation (13)

Manage Your Stress Levels

As you may have heard before, whenever you have a health problem, stress is usually behind it! And gut health is no exception (14). Being under a lot of stress can affect your microbiome and diminish your immune function, decreasing your system’s ability to properly digest food and assimilate the nutrients you need to be healthy. Plus, it can also disrupt your sleep cycle (15)(16).

And this relationship goes both ways. By improving your gut health, you’ll also be improving your capacity to manage stress and anxiety (and thus sleep better). Some research studies with IBS patients as participants suggest that using probiotic supplements and following a gut-healing diet helped them manage their anxiety and stress levels effectively  (17). Another study examined the effects of sleep deprivation on people’s microbiome, discovering that poor sleep can affect the gut and the capacity of the body to effectively absorb nutrients (18).

Recover Your Gut Health Today

Many times, gut issues may not be life-threatening, but can make your life a living hell. It’s not just bloating or stomach pain, but having an unhealthy gut can result in many other health issues, such as sleep deprivation, mood swings, headaches, acne breakouts, and more. Consequently, taking steps to restore your gut health will have an impact on your overall well being. And you don’t necessarily have to take pharmaceuticals to have your gut health under control! Modifying your diet, exercising, relaxing, and using natural supplements can do wonders for your digestive system. Of course, always consult with your doctor before starting any treatment or making major changes to your diet and lifestyle.

And watch out for our new product! This month, we are releasing a breakthrough formula that will do away with your digestive discomfort in just minutes, helping you feel secure over your body and regain the energy and strength you need to go about your day.

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