Product Highlights

  • 100% natural formula, optimally dosed for high potency
  • Ingredients scientifically backed by trusted research
  • Works for women of all ages with various hormonal imbalances
  • 60-day money back guarantee
  • Serving size of 3 ultra-potent, small capsules once per day
  • 72 plant-based capsules per jar
  • Acclaimed by 31,643+ women who regained their happy lives! 
On sale

New Hormone Harmony

Rated 4.8 out of 5
Based on 30928 reviews
  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention in 1 to 3 days
  • Eliminates hot flashes in as little as 4 to 7 days
  • Induces deep, uninterrupted sleep in 5 to 7 days
  • Starts shifting hormonal weight in 15 to 30 days
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  • best value

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60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention in 1 to 3 days
  • Eliminates hot flashes in as little as 4 to 7 days
  • Induces deep, uninterrupted sleep in 5 to 7 days
  • Starts shifting hormonal weight in 15 to 30 days

Natural Ingredients Featured In:

Gives You Your Old Self Back

These 12 potent ingredients have been shown to work for women of all ages, with various hormonal problems - from (peri)menopause to PMS and irregular periods, PCOS, Estrogen Dominance, or simply hormonal imbalances that are still a “mystery”. Any woman can find the balance she needs in this complete natural formula.

Ends Bloating and Hormonal Weight 

These carefully-selected ingredients help suppress sugar cravings and lower ‘stress hunger’. They also relieve bloating and indigestion and can clear out fluid retention. They're every woman's secret weapon against excessive weight gain, bloating and flatulence, as well as hormone-triggered indigestion.

Boosts Energy, Mood, and Desire

The fast-acting extracts in Hormone Harmony start working in just 20-30 minutes, boosting energy levels and inducing a fantastic mood first thing in the morning. They also help improve deep sleep and raise the desire for intimacy - plus, they are shown to boost comfort and pleasure in the bedroom.

What Women Of All Ages Experience When Taking Hormone Harmony

Eleanor E. BUYER

Mood Swing Lifesaver!

I have only been taking Hormone Harmony for about a month now, but I can already feel a big difference in my mood swings. I feel less on edge and much more like my level headed self the last 3 weeks. I highly recommend!


Hot Flashes diminished!

I experienced almost immediate relief from my hot flashes!

Natalie R. BUYER

Sugar cravings - gone

I was hoping for a product to help with my uncharacteristic, massive sugar cravings every afternoon, which I've suffered through for months and is making me feel awful. I have had a noticeable reduction in this already.

Holly G. BUYER

Success in combatting mood swings and bloating!

I love this product, I have struggled with IBS and mood swings for years and Hormone Harmony has improved my mood and bloating unlike anything else I've tried!


Greatest thing Ever

I've lost weight, lost fluid retention, fewer hot flashes and my sleep is better. I have ordered another bottle...highly recommended

Teresa J. BUYER

Active again

After about four years of just being exhausted at 44 years old, life is getting a little easier. Three bottles in.

Meghan  BUYER

Immediate results

Hormone Harmony works and works fast! Perimenopause belly bloat be gone! I love this stuff!


Excellent Product to help with Menopause

I have been using this product for the last month & a half, it is helping with menopause symptoms. I don't crave bad foods, hot sweats are calming down, mood swings have improved. Totally recommend it.

Sally L. BUYER

Feeling More Myself Again !

It is amazing that after only a week, I feel better, my sleep has improved and my gut feels amazing! No more bloating, fatigue or brain fog!



I was bit skeptical at first because I have tried both prescription medicines and other supplements, and the weight, hot flashes, and irritability were still there. But after a week, I noticed a difference in how I was feeling, and the hot flashes were almost gone. By 30 days, I felt lighter as the bloated feeling was gone. Hormone Harmony really does work!

Tressa D. BUYER

More energy and sleeping better; some weight loss already at day 8.

It's easy to remember and doesn't make me nauseous like most products. I'm sleeping much better and have noticed slight weight loss compared to 8 days ago when I started.


Doctor approved!

I started taking Hormone Harmony about three months ago. Within just a few days I noticed improved mood, improved sleep and far fewer hot flashes/night sweats. When my first bottle was gone, in an effort to find something a bit cheaper, I ordered a different hormone supplement. I think it was only about 1 week and I got rid of the other supplement and reordered Hormone Harmony. It's entirely worth the bit more that it costs. And the added bonus is that I just had an appointment with my primary care physician who reviewed the ingredients and told me "DO NOT (with emphasis) stop taking this one." Between my own personal experiences and improvements and the fact my doctor was impressed with it as well, I would very highly recommend Hormone Harmony.

Alison J. BUYER

My pants are loose...

....and this is a MAJOR deal. I have struggled with gut and hormone problems for the last four years. With just ONE bottle of Hormone Harmony, I noticed the other day I had to pull up my pants. As in, they were loose ! A month ago, I was basically lying down with pliers to zip them up. Now my thighs don't fill them, and I can zip them up easily over my stomach! On top of the aesthetically pleasing result, I feel MUCH more energized, coherent, and getting pep back in my step. I love this stuff!!


If you feel moody 2/4 7, get these asap!!!

I have struggled with hormone imbalances ever since I started taking contraceptives. We're talking mood swings, constant irritability, fatigue even after a good nights rest and the list goes on. This product has worked absolute wonders in stabilising these symptoms and balancing my hormones so I finally feel myself again. I have only been taking them for a month and started to feel the effects within the first week. Signed up for an automatic subscription so I never run dry! Highly recommend!

99% of Women Recommend Hormone Harmony™ to Their Friends!

How To Get Your Old Self Back In Just 7 Days Or Less Without Any Effort, HRT, Toxic Treatments or Lifestyle Changes… 

Your Best Years Are Now The Ones In Front Of You — Not Behind You! Even If Hormonal Chaos Has Robbed You Of Your REAL Self For Years Or Even Decades!

Hormone Harmony contains 12 of the world’s most potent extracts that have been scientifically validated to work on women of all ages and with various hormonal imbalances. 

These natural extracts are called adaptogenic plants –

And the reason why they work on so many levels is that they help the body reach complete balance by adapting to any hormonal changes with ease. 

They are specifically chosen to target and dissolve the 4 most debilitating hormonal problems for you – effortlessly! 


This way, you can start feeling like yourself again without spending any energy when you’re already struggling to get through the day…

Here’s what Hormone Harmony can do for you:

#1: Stop Sudden Hormonal 

Fluctuations That Take You By Surprise

Crazy hormonal changes can happen at every stage of your life - whether it’s PMS, irregular and painful menstruation, or menopause that can turn your whole life upside down.

Symptoms may literally change daily — and there's no way to control them. Hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, poor sleep, losing desire… the list goes on and on.

And everything that was so hard to achieve - a family, a career, personal relationships, a happy marriage, confidence and self-esteem - it can all go out the window at the snap of a finger.

All these unpredictable hormonal symptoms have now found their match in our Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony that can restore balance and control 100% naturally. 

#2: Wipes Out Stubborn Weight Gain And Hormonal Bloating

Hormonal weight is in a class of its own – it’s not the kind that melts off with healthy eating and exercising…

When our hormones are out of whack, it seems like everything that touches our mouth goes to the waist and hips. And stays there.

Suddenly, the whole body acts strange and feels unfamiliar… especially when bloating starts kicking in and you can no longer enjoy any foods without being ‘punished’ simply for eating.

Hormone Harmony contains science-based adaptogenic plants shown to dissolve bloat and digestive “surprises”, shift hormonal weight - including the stubborn ‘menopause belly’ - and end uncontrollable cravings. 

#3: Boosts Energy Levels And Induces A Fantastic Mood That Lasts

Hey, we all have “those days” when we wake up wondering what year it is… But hormonal brain fog and fatigue? Those are on a whole other level!

And they don't only affect you, but also those around who are counting on you on a daily basis.

Add to that some rapid-fire mood swings and constant anxiety that rob you of the last trace of control and it’s pure hormonal hell. 

But it doesn't have to be like that . . .

The adaptogenic extracts in Hormone Harmony are shown to boost energy and mental clarity, induce a deep sense of calm, and lock in natural happiness - in just 20-30 minutes!

#4: Ramps Up Your Mood And

Desire For Intimacy

#4: Ramps Up Your Mood And Desire For Intimacy

This one hits where it hurts most: our relationships, our marriage, and our very sense of self.

It’s not like we don’t want to be the way we used to: joyful, spontaneous, and full of desire and playfulness in the bedroom. But it’s like we’ve suddenly lost the blueprints to our old self and we have to survive on uncharted territory.

No worries though... 

You can get your old self back and rekindle the fire inside you thanks to the particularly potent extract in Hormone Harmony shown to boost mood, drive, and comfort in bed.

⏰ The 12 Smart Adaptogenic Extracts in Hormone Harmony start working in just 20-30 minutes and slowly get released all throughout the day.

You can now have reliable support from the moment you wake up to the time you hit the pillow - with zero effort on your part.

99% of Women Recommend

Hormone Harmony To Their Friends!

* Easy To Understand Summarised Scientific Studies *

The Science Behind The Ingredients In New Hormone Harmony

Studies show Gelatinized Maca Extract reduces symptoms of Menopause by up to 87%. The participants saw great results within 30 days!1,2,3

Gelatinized Maca Extract is scientifically shown to cancel hot flashes and night sweats by up to 87% — in just 4-7 days! Which means it can make these nasty symptoms gone in under a week! Plus, it turns up the heat in the bedroom by naturally boosting desire.4,5

Berberine Bark Extract and Gymnema Sylvestre Extract quickly cut sugar cravings and suppress hormonal weight gain. They also lower blood sugar and spook bad cholesterol. They work so well because they naturally prevent our bodies from accumulating fat. 6,7,8,9,10,11

Broccoli Sprout Extract shields you against dangerous changes in Oestrogen during Menopause. They melt away estrogen dominance by rapidly flushing out excess Oestrogen from the body.12

Rhodiola Extract lifts your mood, boosts your energy and clears your head in just 30 minutes. It's perfect to kickstart your morning and give you a great mood and energy for the rest of the day. It's also scientifically shown to melt away depression and insomnia.13,14

American Ginseng Extract powers up your mind, boosts memory, drives you to make better decisions, and protects your brain against damage triggered by stress and poor sleep. It is your shield against the mental decline that restores clear, sharp thinking.15,16,17,18

Studies show Ashwagandha eliminates anxiety, stress and mood swings by up to 44% — in just a few minutes! Just take it, and before you know it — you're calm and balanced again! It works so well because it blocks cortisol - aka the Stress Hormone that is also responsible for uncontrollable weight gain. 19,20

Chaste Berry Extract ends headaches, nervousness, restlessness, depression, and breast pain by balancing Oestrogen, and Prolactin levels. This powerful plant treasured by women for over 100 years is also shown to decrease symptoms of PMS by 49%. 21,22,23,24,25,26

Rosemary eliminates water retention that makes you feel heavy and look puffy. So you'll look thinner and your face will return to its natural, youthful look. Plus, rosemary flushes out nasty toxins that make your body sick and weak, and your mind foggy.27

Chamomile Extract and Fennel Seed Extracts are the Swiss Army Knives of hormonal digestive symptoms. They eliminate all kinds of symptoms from PMS-triggered bloating and indigestion to painful menstrual cramps. 28

31,643 Women Use Hormone Harmony to Put Their Hormonal Balance on Autopilot!

Amanda L. BUYER

I wouldn't have believed it... but

It took only 3-4 days to stop feeling forever hungry and reduce my food intake by about a third. I am so grateful. The sugar cravings have gone, and now I'm hungry, only when it's actually time to eat, or when I've had a big workout. I'm stoked. Thank you so much.

Libby M. BUYER

Game Changer !

I tried these a few months ago and thought they were great - it wasn't until I forgot to order some more and ran out that I really realised the difference they made for me! The sleep issues, anxiety, pms all came back!! Have subscribed now so will never run out again

Lacey D. BUYER


I am 71 and have been having debilitating night sweats for 21 years. Yes. 21. The only time they stopped was on HRT, but, (even with my dr's blessing) I chose not to stay on that forever. I have tried every otc remedy-. No luck. Dr has tried other meds, antidepressants, etc. no help. When I saw this ad my immediate response was to delete it. Buy for some reason a voice said "try it". Last night, I actually was CHILLY for the first time in 21 years! I pulled the comforter over me! Give it a try. 21 years

Joanne S. BUYER

Unbelievable Results !!

Three years of hormonal brain fog, weight gain, bloating & fatigue from sleepless night after

sleepness night started to disappear within the first week of taking this product. Two months in the inches are melting off my waistline & I can do the stress of daily life with running my own business a whole lot better now that I can get some sleep!!! With more energy & clarity I am making better choices to look after my health which I couldn't do before. Thank you for this amazing product!

Nicole G. BUYER

Flat tummy

Feel great after 2 months. Noticeable flat tummy!

Shelly F. BUYER

I'm shocked by how quick the supplements began to work!

I've almost made it through my first bottle of Hormone Harmony. Within two days of taking the supplements I stopped have hot flashes. Now I can get a full night sleep.

Heather A.  BUYER

More energy / less appetite!

It took a couple of days, but my energy level has skyrocketed and I am no longer scrounging in the cabinets throughout the day! I love this product!

Nicole J. BUYER

I think your product is fantastic.

So far my stomach issues and overall bloating has diminished in just one month.

Angela R.  BUYER

Great Product

No more hot flashes and my periods are not as heavy or painful.

Natalya M. BUYER

Life changer

Works amazing. My husband said he didn't even realise I was on my period which apparently was very obvious before I started hormone harmony.

Gemma H.  BUYER

Love Hormone Harmony

I had symptoms of peri menopause including breast tenderness and bloating and Hormone Harmony has really helped. Definitely recommend to anyone who can feel the start of menopause kicking in

Colleen B. BUYER

Exceeded expectations

My mum encouraged me to try the product as she'd felt such great results in a short period of time and I must admit I'm so happy I did! Definitely living up to its claims and will certainly continue to use this product going forward (having tried many others with little to no success!)

Suzie G. BUYER

I feel so much better. I have tried many different things for menopause. And this is the best by far.

Love this product

Alexis G.  BUYER

Working on my emotions

This product has worked well to stabilize the emotional swings that were accompanying peri menopause. I've also noticed that it's been easier to sleep and also to loose weight slightly easier.

ozgeee BUYER

Hormone Harmony - surprisingly very good

After reading many great reviews on Hormone Harmony, I really (yet skeptically) hoped it would also work for me. It works! I have been using it for five weeks, and I have already experienced great improvements in my sleep, mood, and overall energy level during the day.

New Hormone Harmony™ Compared To Mass Market, One Dimensional Hormone Balancing Products

NEW Hormone 


  • The world’s first ‘intelligent’ hormone balancing system
  • Adapts to the unique needs of your body
  • Addresses mood, stress and delivers emotional support
  • Treats BOTH the symptoms AND the root cause
  • Does not contain useless whey protein

  • Does not contain fillers or unnatural ingredients
  • Ingredients validated by scientific studies

  • Ingredients dosed according to scientific studies
  • 100% natural and plant-based
  • Free from GMO’s, soy and corn
  • Does not contain artificial sweeteners

Outdated Mass Market one dimensional product

  • Not a system — ingredients cannibalize one another
  • DOES NOT adapt to your unique needs
  • Doesn’t address mood or provide emotional support
  • Treats 1 or 2 symptoms... Doesn’t get to the root cause
  • May contain inflammatory whey protein as filler
  • May contain toxic fillers your body cannot handle
  • Ingredients not backed by scientific studies
  • Ingredients not dosed at incorrect amounts
  • May not be plant-based
  • May contain GMOs, soy or corn
  • May contain dangerous artificial sweeteners

Outdated Mass Market one dimensional product

  • Not a system — ingredients cannibalize one another
  • DOES NOT adapt to your unique needs
  • Doesn’t address mood or provide emotional support
  • Treats 1 or 2 symptoms... Doesn’t get to the root cause
  • May contain inflammatory whey protein as filler
  • May contain toxic fillers your body cannot handle
  • Ingredients not backed by scientific studies
  • Ingredients not dosed at incorrect amounts
  • May not be plant-based
  • May contain GMOs, soy or corn
  • May contain dangerous artificial sweeteners

NEW Hormone 


  • The world’s first ‘intelligent’ hormone balancing system
  • Adapts to the unique needs of your body
  • Addresses mood, stress and delivers emotional support
  • Treats BOTH the symptoms AND the root cause
  • Does not contain useless whey protein
  • Does not contain fillers or unnatural ingredients
  • Ingredients validated by scientific studies
  • Ingredients dosed according to scientific studies
  • 100% natural and plant-based
  • Free from GMO’s, soy and corn
  • Does not contain artificial sweeteners

9 Ways We Meet The World’s Highest Quality Standards From Individual Ingredients To Complete Product

Formulated by hormone health experts with 30 years of experience

We only work with doctors, nutritionists, and researchers specialised in women’s hormonal balance. Hormone Harmony was formulated by the famous hormone Dr. Aimee Shunney. 

Made in the Netherlands with the highest safety and purity standards

Hormone Harmony is produced in the Netherlands in small batches to maintain ultra-high quality. It meets the most rigorous EU standards for safety and purity - which are some of the most rigorous standards in the world! 

Pure Ingredients From Suppliers We Know and Trust

We source our ingredients after months of research and in–person meetings with suppliers. We use 100% organic and fair sources. We work with just a few suppliers and visit them regularly to ensure we always get top-quality ingredients.

Three-Step Quality Control For Every Single Batch

Every ingredient in our formula goes through a rigorous 3-step quality control process to ensure Purity, Quality, and Potency. This way, we KNOW that every ingredient is clean, pure, and optimally-dosed to deliver you the promised results.

Ingredients and Dosages Based on Scientific Data

The ingredients in Hormone Harmony have been carefully chosen for their undeniable gut health benefits after pouring over thousands of scientific studies. They are in the exact doses shown in studies to deliver the best results.

100% Natural With No Fillers And Additives

Hormone Harmony contains only natural ingredients in their most bioavailable form. It’s free from fillers, preservatives, artificial flavours, stearates or other toxic junk that would prevent the ingredients from working properly. 

Gut-Friendly Certified

Know with absolute confidence that Hormone Harmony is free from the established 69 known gut irritants.

Heavy Metal Tested

We use world-class laboratory detectors to ensure that Hormone Harmony is 100% free from heavy metals.

Free From Gluten, Dairy, Sugar and GMO's

Hormone Harmony is free from gluten, lactose, dairy, corn, soy and GMO ingredients. 

Either It Works — Or It's FREE!

Either it Works

Or it's FREE!

Test Hormone Harmony Without Risking Your Money 

Thanks To Our Double-Backed 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

We want you to see what it’s like to live your life in full control, freedom, and joy.

And we truly believe that Hormone Harmony can make that happen for you. Which is why we’re giving you a double-backed money back guarantee.

First, we want you to FEEL and SEE immediate results so you can start your new life in full confidence. 

So if you don’t feel and see significant improvement in the first 7 days, you can ask for a refund.

Secondly, we want you to experience the amazing compounding benefits of Hormone Harmony.

When you use Hormone harmony consistently, you should start seeing more of these results:

  • Easier weight loss and a body you love inside and out - including a flatter belly and getting closer to your weight goals without any effort or diets

  • Taking control over your day-to-day life thanks to the deep sense of comfort and healthy balance you experience in your body

  • Feeling safe, secure and more CONFIDENT than ever, once Hormone Harmony obliterates surprise hot flashes, bloating, and insomnia

  • A steady source of healthy energy and focus throughout the day so you can enjoy your life to the fullest

  • Regain your bubbly, happy, healthy self and live your life on YOUR terms - free from the shackles of hormonal chaos

If for any reason, you’re unhappy with your results, you have 60 days (2 months) to let us know and get your money back. No questions asked!

To claim the refund, simply email our friendly customer support. Their contact details are on every jar of Hormone Harmony.

But based on thousands of reviews from thrilled customers, we’re convinced you’ll be blown away with Hormone Harmony. So don’t hesitate and test it now risk-free:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Hormone Harmony?

Simply take 3 capsules a day, either all together at once or separately during the day. Then, you can go about your day, enjoying the benefits.

How does the formula taste?

The ingredients are tightly encapsulated in small plant-based capsules, so you won’t feel any taste or flavour.

How long does a jar last?

One jar of Hormone Harmony contains 24-servings.  However, it's designed to last for a month. We recommend taking 3 capsules, per day, for 6 days out of 7.

What are the ingredients in this formula?

Maca Extract 10:1 [2000mg]; Chamomile Extract 2% Flavones, 1.2% to 2.5% Apigenin, 4- 10:1 [1,200mg]; Ashwagandha Extract 25:1 [1200mg]; Fennel Seed Extract 10:1 [900mg]; Chaste Tree Berry Extract 0.5% 10:1 [700mg]; Rhodiola Rosea Extract (Rhodiola5PlusTM) 3% Rosavins+2% Salidroside HPLC 10:1 [680mg]; American Ginseng Root Extract 8:1 [520mg]; Rosemary Extract 7.5% Rosmarinic Acid HPLC 8:1 [200mg]; Gymnema Sylvestre Extract 4:1 [160mg]: Berberine Extract 6:1 150mg

All these natural extracts were carefully selected and dosed at clinically-proven amounts to provide hormone balance, digestive relief, easier management of hormonal weight and cravings, plus a new sense of calm and happiness for women of all ages.

When can I expect to feel and see results?

These are the typical results we’ve seen reported by many of our 31,643+ happy customers, as well as in the scientific studies behind our ingredients: 

  • Skyrockets energy levels and mood from day 1

  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention in 1 to 3 days

  • Eliminates hot flashes in as little as 4 to 7 days

  • Induces deep, uninterrupted sleep in 5 to 7 days

  • Starts shifting hormonal weight in 15 to 30 days

Where is Hormone Harmony produced?

Hormone Harmony is produced in small batches to maintain ultra high-quality levels. We manufacture it in the Netherlands by following the strict European Union safety standards. It's the world's leading standards in ingredient, production and final product quality certifications and testing benchmarks.

Product disclaimers and medical information

Warning: Do not use if pregnant, likely to become pregnant or you suspect you could be pregnant. Do not use it whilst breastfeeding. Consult your healthcare professional before use. If symptoms persist, contact your Doctor or healthcare professional. Store below 25 degrees celsius and away from direct sunlight. Do not use it if the cap seal is broken. Chaste Tree Berry Extract may affect hormones.

Scientific References



























